
Multiple Modernities:A Tale of Scandinavian Experiences, Gunnar Skirbekk, 9789629964870, 中文大學 , 書局, 網路書店, 金石堂,

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Multiple Modernities:A Tale of Scandinavian Experiences,作者:Gunnar Skirbekk,出版社:中文大學,ISBN:9789629964870


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有關Multiple Modernities:A Tale of Scandinavian Experiences的詳細介紹如下:

Multiple Modernities:A Tale of Scandinavian Experiences,作者:Gunnar Skirbekk,出版社:中文大學,ISBN:9789629964870

《Multiple Modernities:A Tale of Scandinavian Experiences》

Multiple Modernities approaches the concept of modernity through two historical phases of Norawy. The first study focuses on the interplay between Lutheran state officials and popular movements in the nineteenth century as an essential aspect of the growth of social democracy. The second examination of modernization centers on twentieth-century Norway after World War II. The book is balanced between theoretical remarks on conceptual issues, an assessment of modernization processes, and a study of basic epistemic and structural challenges that confront us in our time. Scandinavian countries are often noted as cases of successful modernization processes. However, these references to a "Scandinavian model" tend to focus on the mid-twentieth century after World War II. In Skirbekk's view, the uniqueness of modernization processes in Scandinavia, for instance in Norway, is better conceived historically, not least by focusing on the nineteenth century with a continuation into the twentieth century.

Multiple Modernities:A Tale of Scandinavian Experiences,作者:Gunnar Skirbekk,出版社:中文大學,ISBN:9789629964870
